Marco Polo and the Great Malaysian Horse Hunt

When describing why Marco Polo is such an important project to me, I usually point out that the show is a confluence of multiple interests and passions: Adventure travel, Eastern philosophy, martial arts, nomadic warrior culture, and horses. Put me and Marco together and it’s a recipe for epic horse adventure on a grand scale.… Read More »

KUNG FU: Don’t Leave Home Without It

As time rolls on, the more I realize what a treasure kung fu is in my life. Not that I’ve never recognized that before, but in these recent months of traveling hard and juggling multiple projects and deadlines, I realize that my daily martial arts practice is the secret to pulling it all off. The… Read More »

2014: From Venice to Xanadu

Happy 2014 and welcome to my blog. With all of the travel I’ll be doing, starting this week, I had to ask myself: what would Marco Polo do if he had today’s technology out there on the Silk Road? Surely, the creator of the world’s first travelogue would be Tweeting and have a travel-blog, reporting… Read More »